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Shotapen L.A. 100 mL - Virbac

Shotapen L.A. 100 mL - Virbac

Regular price $58.80 USD
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Treatment of bacterial infections caused by susceptible topenicillin and
dihydrostreptomycin in cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, dogs and catsmicroorganisms.

Composition:Per 100 ml:
Benzathine benzyl­penicillin – 10 g,
Procaine benzylpenicillin – 10 g,
Dihydrostreptomycin sulfate – 16,4 g.
Pharmacological characteristics: The synergistic bactericidal action of thepenicillin-dihydrostrepto­mycin association covers a very wide spectrum ofmicro­orga­nisms. Penicillin attacks bacterial cell walls and thus enhances thepenetration of di­hydrostreptomycin which interferes w/ the protein synthesis.Penicillin G is active against many G(+) bacteria. Its distribution is wide.The benzathine form of penicillin G is active for 18-24 hrs and the procaineform gives an extended action up to 5 days (3 days in practice).Dihydrostreptomycin is mainly active against G(-) bacteria and thus completesthe spectrum of penicillin G.
Indications for use specifying the target species:
Cattle: Pasteurellosis pneumonia, septi­cemia, metritis, leptospirosis andreticulo-peritonitis.
Swine: Septicemia, MMA syn­drome, erysipelas, leptospirosis, prevention andtreatment of respiratory diseases.
Sheep/goats: Vesicular stomatitis, arthritis and septicemia.
Dosage: For IM injection.
Cattle, pigs and horses: 1 inj of 5-10 mL/100 kg BW every 3 days.
Calves, foals, piglets, small animals: 1 inj of 1-2 mL/25 kg BW every 3 days.
Contraindications: Use with care to animals sensitive to penicillin. Do notadminister to rabbits.

1vial / 100ml

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