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Niclosamide 500mg 100 Tablets

Niclosamide 500mg 100 Tablets

Regular price $19.90 USD
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Niclosamide is administered in tablets, which must be chewed thoroughly before swallowing and washed down with water.

For infections with pork tapeworm a single 2-g dose is given after a light breakfast. Niclosamide is not active against the larval form (cysticerci) and although the risk of inducing cysticercosis appears to be theoretical, a laxative is given about 2 hours after the dose to expel the killed worms and minimize the possibility of the migration of ova of T. solium into the stomach; also an antiemetic may be given before treatment.

For infections with beef or fish tapeworms the 2-g dose of Niclosamide may be divided, with 1 g taken after breakfast and 1 g an hour later.

In dwarf-tapeworm infections an initial dose of 2 g is given on the first day followed by 1 g daily for 6 days.

Children aged 2 to 6 years are given half the above doses and those under 2 years of age are given one-quarter the above doses.

Unless expulsion of the worm is aided by a laxative, portions are voided in a partially digested form after treatment with Niclosamide; the scolex is rarely identifiable.

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